“May the Fourth” Be With You!
May 4, 2013
First and foremost, HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!!
We thought we’d celebrate this nerdiest of holidays with a special blog post, featuring several keepsake plates dedicated to our favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies and shows. So, let’s get started… and May the 4th be with you!
So every parent and grandparent needs a good hand or foot print of their youngster or newborn, so that they can always remember just how tiny those fingers and toes were. And, honestly, there is no limit to the kinds of things you can do with your children’s prints. These next few examples really prove that point.
No matter what your interests, there’s a print for that… we pretty much guarantee it. Take, for example, this epic “May the Force Be With You” plate, where the handprint was painted into R2-D2, and the footprint becomes C-3PO.
More of a fan of the Hobbit? Try this “Second Breakfast” plate on for size! You don’t have to be Gandalf to magically conjure a hobbit out of your toddlers handprint.
Simply paint the fingers in Earth brown, the palm in red, add a flesh-colored circle on top. Decorate with an elvish green cape, walking stick, and the fashionable ‘one ring’ necklace around your neck, and suddenly you’ve got yourself a Frodo!
One ring not included.
Are there any Whovians in the house?
We certainly hope so! You too can turn those little toes into your very own Time And Relative Dimension In Space (T.A.R.D.I.S.) with the simple flick of some Cobalt glaze and a Black paint pen.
You’ll be on your way to join The Doctor to save more planets and stop time from dying before you can say “Allons-y!” or “Come along, Pond.”
Last, but certainly not least, if you don’t get some of these references, don’t worry about it. Just remember, Bowties Are Cool.